The Astrology of Alec Balwin and the shooting on Rust


AN EPISODE ALL ABOUT HILARIA’S HUSBAND. This episode, we cover the astrology behind the tragic shooting on the Alec Baldwin produced film Rust and compare it to another tragic Hollywood shooting that happened with Brandon Lee on the set of The Crow. We talk about the weird Libra season when Rust began filming, what Chiron in Aries means for wounding, Halyna Hutchins’ progressed chart, stationary planets, how nodal opposition plays into all of this and more!


ELYSE: Okay. Hello and welcome to Allegedly Astrology. Each week we break down the astrology that happened during some of the biggest scandals and events in history.

DANA: Yeah, and thank you everyone for listening. If you want to support us even more, you can leave a five star review and subscribe on whatever podcast platform you listen on

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SARAH: And you can follow us for Allegedly Astrology on Instagram, reddit, hey hero and Tiktok and Allegedly Astro on twitter. And you can visit our website to learn more about us look at some transcripts of the show and book reading with Dana.

ELYSE: So today we're heading down south to New Mexico to talk about a tragedy that should have never happened. So, Dana, what's our topic for today?

DANA:  Today we're talking about the Rust shooting and comparing it to Brandon Lee's death which happened during the filming of The Crow.

ELYSE: Yes, the tragic shooting of Director of Photography, Helena Hutchins and wounding of director Joel Souza on the set of the movie Rust made headlines everywhere and brought to light the importance of safety regulations on set. So let's learn a little bit more about what happened during the rust filming and how it went so so badly wrong.

SARAH:  Okay so Rust is a western movie was being filmed in New Mexico and it stars Hilaria’s husband actor Alec Baldwin. The whole film was like very low budget and it started off pretty rocky. There had been a lot of complaints from the crew which we'll get into later but when the shooting happened, Alec Baldwin was rehearsing for a scene.

ELYSE: Yes. And if you don't know who Hilaria is, go back to our previous episodes where we talked about how she is allegedly not Spanish. It is one you won't want to miss but back to Alec Baldwin and Rust. So in the scene Alec Baldwin was cocking the gun and Helena was by him going over how she wanted to position his hand on the gun. And the reason why she was doing this is because she was the director of photography, A. K. A. The DP, the DP is in charge of how everything in every scene looks. So she was probably giving him some very specific directions on how she wanted his hand to be on the gun.

SARAH:  Yeah. So she's moving his hand around to get the right angle and the gun goes off shooting Helena in the shoulder and grazing Joel. What Alex said happened was that he was holding the gun where Helena had said and he cocked the gun like in that moment.

ELYSE: Yes and that's that like I don't know if I did that right. That's sort of like I don't know how to do it. Like the sound you hear in movies, it means the gun is ready so that when you pull the trigger it will fire.

SARAH:  So Alec is like yo does this look good? Then he lets go of the hammer which is the back part of the gun and it's what also kicks the bullet from being fired from the gun when you pull the trigger. So when he let the hammer go the gun goes off. And according to Alec he like never pulled the trigger like that was not a thing that happened. He just pulled the hammer back. So now from one bullet we have two injuries and suddenly everyone on the set is like what the just happened? So shooting pauses and Helena is airlifted to the hospital but unfortunately she dies from her injuries.

ELYSE: Yes. And when we say shooting, we're talking about shooting of the film. I know there's a lot of shooting filming gun references in here. So stick with us. Um and yes, but let's learn about Halyna a little bit. So she was born in Ukraine but was living in Los Angeles. She was named one of America's cinematography rising stars in 2019 and has been credited in the production Of 49 film TV and video titles. So um what was happening in her chart that day, Dana?

Rust Shooting Astrology

Rust Shooting Astrology

Halyna Hutchins’ Transits

Halyna Hutchins Transits

DANA::  The shooting happened on 21 October 2021 at 1:50 in Santa Fe New Mexico and Halyna was born on April 10, 1979 in Ukraine. Um My grandma will kill me for butchering that. She'll never hear this though. Helena had her sun and marsin Aries tightly opposite her Pluto in libra and the sun is our spirit mars is our like drive um and Pluto is a sociopath. And so anytime like there's an aspect, it's, it could indicate war in like the simplest terms and the entirety of Rust was shot during like an extremely fraught Libra season which would like light up this entire access of Haylna’s chart for like a super extended period of time. And also on top of that, chiron was in Aries like crossing over her placements for the past three years and chiron is just like the planet of wounding. And so this is like a literal interpretation of that. Also I checked Halyna’s progress chart and the transiting North node was like conjunct her progressed sun in gemini to the degree when she was killed and the north node is like an eclipse point that triggers faded events and the sun is the human spirit. So these are like extremely tense aspects but without her rising, we can't like make any confidence speculations. Okay, so the transit chart is pretty wild Mercury stationed direct at 10 degrees libra and jupiter stationed direct at 22 degrees Aquarius three days earlier. And so stationary planets in a chart like will make the energy loud. So if that's because they appear closer to earth and they look like they're not moving. So mercury and libra stationary will be like everyone trying to accommodate each other and like not trying to walk on each other's toes and then when that's co present with libra it's gonna be like everyone's walking on eggshells, no one really wants to make a fuss but like things really maybe aren't, you know, getting worked out. Jupiter in Aquarius though could be like union, unionizing and like fighting for your rights. But um Pluto was also exactly conjunct the ascendant in Capricorn like at the minute she was shot and the ascendant of any chart is like it's the actor and the chart the descendant is who is being acted upon, the mid heaven is the action and the I see is like the result or the ending. So Pluto on the ascendant is like again the sociopath of the zodiac and so the sociopath is committing the act right? Well I mean it's actually Alec Baldwin but also like in the moon and uranus and I see we're all tightly conjunct in Taurus and so the moon is like literally physically bodies and women and uranus is shocking situations and explosions and then the IC again relates to endings

SARAH: Damn. 

ELYSE: Right? And it seems like from what we know we'll get into it a little bit but that this whole set was just very fraught and so this kind of aligns with what Dana was mentioning was like a really tense fraught Libra season, so probably not the best time to shoot a low budget indie film, but after the incident, Alec Baldwin went on twitter to offer his condolences and said that he was fully cooperating with investigators and in a later interview he said he feels that someone is responsible for what happened and he doesn't know who that is exactly, but he knows it is not him. And so obviously this day was very crazy. So what was going on with Alec Baldwin's chart that day?

Alec Baldwin’s Transits

Alec Baldwin Transits Rust Shooting

DANA:  Okay, we don't have a birth time for Alex but we know that he was born on the same day as a full moon in 13° of Libra. So I did that chart and that's the exact degree of the moon that occurred on the day they started shooting and so it's like pretty rare for a lumination to occur in the same degree. Um so it is significant, like I just checked uh we just had a new moon at 12° Aquarius and I checked because that's my descendant and that has only happened two other times in my life.

ELYSE: So what happened to you?

DANA:  I think we were podcasting, But yeah, so Alec uh yeah so he's been on this full moon. Um and the full moon is when the sun is opposite the moon. Oppositions again in astrology are aspects of war or lawsuits and especially with the moon in libra, which is the sign of justice and the sun in Aries, which is the individual, like we could interpret this as a new moon activating this opposition um, in his like a very significant place for him. So it's kind of like maybe triggering a lawsuit for him. I'm not trying to like minimize you and I just can't see any like extreme, like I don't see him shooting people in the chart. Although if we wanted to speculate where that would be mars mars and Uranus are both like the planets of guns and astrology and on this day Uranus was in like an exact square with Alec’s mars in Aquarius. So squares are like aspects of tension and Uranus is like an extreme surprise. So I guess like a gun that you don't think is loaded going off is pretty much just that aspect in manifestation.

ELYSE:  Yet again.

SARAH: But after news of Helena dying broke all these tributes poured in for her. People really loved her colleagues said she was brilliant and she was like super committed, taken too soon. Her death left everyone wondering, you know like how could this happen? It's like 2021 and in order to understand how this happened, we have to learn about until like recently. Pretty unknown crew member of the set and that person is the armorer.

ELYSE: Yes and an armor is the person that's responsible for guns on film and tv sets. Obviously not every film and tv set shoot has guns on set, but when they do they have to have an armor, it's something that is required by law. And so not only do they, you know obviously like set up the guns but they teach actors and stunt people how to use and handle the gun that's going to be used in their scene. You know, obviously they wanted to look realistic but they also do safety checks. Um, they check what kind of bullets go in the gun and they're supposed to stay near the guns at all times and obviously guns on set are not supposed to have real bullets but that is the armor's job to check.

SARAH:  Yes and gun safety, it probably shouldn't come as any surprise, but gun safety on film sets is not regulated so it kind of just depends on the set you're on and who's in charge for like how it's going to go but in a perfect world when it's time to use a gun, the armor comes out with a lot of card of weapons that has been checked and then the assistant director checks the gun again just to be sure that everything's cool. Then the armor hands the gun to the talent and announces hot gun if there are blanks or cold gun, if it has dummies and then the hot or cold gun is announced again by the assistant director to the whole set. So like everyone knows like what's up.

ELYSE:  Yes and blanks mean the gun is loaded with cartridges of gunpowder to just like create a bang and like a flash when the gun is fired. So you'd use this in a shootout scene where you want a lot of pageantry and drama and dummies don't have gunpowder in them, but there are stand ins for real bullets. So you use them when you're showing off like bullets and you want them to look real.

SARAH:  Yeah, and it seems boring as hell, but it's like important for what happens. So on the rest of the armor was a 24 year old girl named Hannah Gutierrez Reed. She's the daughter of like a long time Hollywood armor. His name is Thell Reed and this was her second movie as head armor before Rut. She had gone on a podcast to talk about her job and she said that she figured out most of the job requirements on her own, which. Yikes.

ELYSE: Yeah. Um Hollywood nepotism rearing its ugly head. But as a new armor in the business, she faced a lot of criticism on her previous movie, the old way a person that was on set said that Hanna's behavior caused Nicolas Cage to freak out on her and storm off set after she fired a gun near the casting crew for the second time in three days without a warning. Um like can you imagine getting freaked out on by Nicolas Cage?

SARAH: Like literally that's what I was thinking the whole time. I was like, imagine him like just screaming at you.

ELYSE:  I mean rightfully. So anyway, Nicolas Cage said there was also considerably less attention given to gun safety on set than he had previously encountered. So not a good look.

SARAH: No. And during the rust filming, crew members actually walked off set to protest terrible working conditions six hours before Helena was shot and they were replaced with a new crew. So the crew that walked off said that, you know, production wasn't following safety protocols, guns weren't being expected properly and there were accidental gun, just charges on set and there weren't any safety meeting. So just like nothing is happening. That is supposed to happen with safety.

ELYSE: Yeah, But that wasn't all other complaints stemmed from everything being rushed. The pay was super low. Covid protocols were basically nonexistent. They were extremely long hours. Um, you know, some crew have said that they weren't being overworked, but you know, we're just, we're just saying what, what we heard from from crew members. Um, the crew was being housed super far away from set. So they would spend all day working and then need to drive over an hour to get back to where they were staying, making the days even longer. So like we mentioned, overall rust was just a giant ship show extremely fraught tons of tensions riding high. So what's the, like the chart for this film in general.

First Day of Filming Rust

Rust Filming Astrology

DANA:  Okay, so shooting began on October 6, 2021 and this also coincided with the new moon in libra. So I just used that time and the new moon in libra was exactly conjunct mars and co-present with Mercury retrograde. So this is like definitely not elected by an astrologer that wasn't in the budget. New moons in libra are like usually like the cuffing season kickoff, but mars was having like a really hard time in libra, Mars always has a hard time in libra. It's like um we used, we memed it. You should follow us on Instagram with a mouse running on a hamster wheel because it doesn't really go anywhere but you're trying so hard so it makes people like passive aggressive or awkward. Um but then also with like Mercury retrograde, like a lot of agreements could have been signed, maybe that weren't read overall. This like moon is just like a lot of pressure and like maybe like feeling sad. Um also though this moon was exacerbated because Pluto stationed direct hours later and like they began filming right immediately at like this very heavy energy, especially since Pluto and Capricorn scores labor by science. So there's like all this tension from Pluto and then Saturn stationed direct four days later, so Saturn and Aquarius might have like again been the crew organizing, but mood wise, Saturn is also heavy. So it's just sort of like, I don't know, I wonder what the like vibe on the set was, it could not possibly have been chill or like uh.

SARAH:  Yeah, I mean it definitely seems like especially with Pluto in the mix, it seems to me like people pushing you to do things and you're like, I literally can't do this, but you know, it's like people wanting to be doing, wanting to be in control, so you're just like, okay, well I guess I'll do it, it's gonna be half fast, but sure.

ELYSE:  Speaking of half assed, it's important to note that Hannah had two roles on set. She was the armor and the assistant to the prop master, so she was being, you know, she was being pulled in a lot of different directions um but people criticized her for leaving guns unattended on set, which is just the thing you should not do and she was also being yelled at for not helping the prop master and focusing more time as the armor, so she's kind of just sucking at both roles because she is one person just couldn't do two jobs at once.

DANA: Yeah, that's me also is just that, you know mars and libra like hating life, like you're trying to do stuff but it ends up like not going anywhere and imagine like your whole job being that.

ELYSE:  You're trying to accommodate everyone around you.

SARAH:  Yeah, so now that we have this background info, this is what Hannah says happened the day of the shooting, so Hannah loaded what she thought were six dummy rounds, so bullets that looks like real bullets but aren't really into the gun and then the gun was left out on a tray on a cart for two hours like what you should not leave shit unattended but still um so the gun was picked up by the assistant director who took it to Alec and he handed the gun to him and said you know cold gun.

ELYSE:  So obviously multiple things went wrong here: you're not supposed to leave a gun unattended and the assistant director shouldn't be handing the gun to an actor. The armor is supposed to do that. 

SARAH: Then after the shooting happens the film is shut down and people start to investigate like how can this happen and there are currently are three investigations going on but so far they learned that the gun, Alex shot had a lead bullet in it. A K. A real bullet. They also learned that the prop gun was used by crew members that morning for target practice which I feel like you should not be a thing you should be allowed to do.

ELYSE: Yeah that has nothing to do with the movie. Crew members do not need to just be shooting guns for no reason, I don't think these were actors, I think they were just people dicking around like for fun in the desert. So Hannah claims she has no idea where the live rounds came from. She followed the protocols for locking the gun up at night and during lunch. Um and just so you guys know we did our due diligence, we looked everywhere for Hannah's birth info but shit is locked up tight and cannot be found otherwise. We'd let you know.

SARAH: Like probably a Scorpio, but in addition to the investigation, there is like a shit ton of lawsuits going on. Hannah is actually suing the movie’s gun and ammo supplier saying she got a bunch of dummy bullets with live rounds in it. But I feel like if you, but from what we just said, like honestly it probably was not that um but the film script supervisor is also suing Alec and other producers for these unsafe conditions and Alec is trying to have that lawsuit dismissed and you know, a lot of people have wondered why people are going so hard after Alec Baldwin besides the fact that, I mean, he obviously had the gun that was shot, but Elyse, you're obviously a producer, like do you want to explain to us, like why, you know, he's kind of being looked at?

ELYSE:  Yes, I want to caveat, I am not a movie producer of any kind, I shoot, I produced, you know, low budget branded content, but alas as a producer, so this is totally separate. Like even though he did shoot the gun, they're suing him not because of that, they're suing him firmly because of his producer role and producers are there on set like obviously they have to find the money to fund the production and that money goes to things like crew housing um having enough staff so people don't have to do two jobs and people are saying that he cut a lot of corners when staffing and budgeting for this production because people didn't have the things that they needed. Like we said earlier, there was no covid protocol, they stayed in shitty housing over an hour away. People were spread super thin. This was just like clearly, you know, there's ways to shoot things on a budget but you have to follow like protocol and safety, especially during covid times and especially if you're using guns like in general and you know, I think a lot of times they used real guns so that you can save money on visual effects or CG I after the fact, so basically he was just being cheap and um it showed and it was not just showed, but there were deadly, there were deadly consequences literally from him being cheap fucking asshole.

SARAH:  Well thank you for that. But as of right now, no charges have been filed but that doesn't mean there weren't any consequences. The assistant director who handed Alec the gun was removed from the set and replaced and the investigation is still pending.

ELYSE:  Yeah and that um Assistant director had some other issues on previous sets. So again like another oversight but this is not the first time, something like this has happened on a movie set. Another very similar tragedy happened on the set for a cult classic film called the crow in the 90s. And Brandon Lee, who was the son of famous martial artist and stuntman Bruce Lee was accidentally shot and killed by a gun on set when he was just 28 years old. So let's learn a little bit more about the crow and what went down on that set. 

SARAH: I'm not happy about how Brandon Lee died but I am happy that I get to talk about the crow because honestly it is you guys should watch it. It's like so goth, it's like the most goth thing that I've ever witnessed in my life. Um It's based on a comic book. So The Crow was a film that was like adapted for the screen from that comic book and Brandon played Eric Draven also goth name and Eric was a murdered musician who is and this is literally from the Wikipedia page resurrected by a supernatural crow to avenge the death of himself and his fiancée Shelly. I watched this as a child because my parents didn't understand like what a child should watch but I honestly it is like so aggressive but amazing.

ELYSE:  Wow that explains a lot about you Sarah.

DANA: Truly does. 

ELYSE:  This was a breakthrough role for Brandon. He had been in a few films before but this is his time to crush. It proved to everyone that he could act on his own and not just because of his dad and everyone on set was super impressed with him. They said he was incredibly dedicated to the role so that just makes what happens next all the more sad.

SARAH: Yeah he was also pretty hot in my opinion. I think he was like very good looking.

DANA:  So he makes a case for good nepotism.

SARAH:  Yes but honestly talented. He was like building up for this though. Like he was in a bunch of movies, this was like his big break and also I feel like him and his dad weren't that close but I could be making that up. Um So they were filming for a scene where his character gets shot and killed by um I'm calling them dickheads, really was like gang members. Um But the gun they were using was a real revolver loaded with dummy rounds and the gun wasn't properly checked and if it had been the armor would have noticed that there basically was an issue with this gun that would have made the dummy round, leave the gun with the same force as like a normal real bullet.

ELYSE:  Damn. So they start the scene and an actor shoots at Brandon and he falls backwards instead of forwards. Like he was supposed to, the director calls cut, but Brandon doesn't stand up, Someone went and checked on him, noticed he was breathing weird and was unconscious, he wasn't bleeding, but after a few minutes his pulse slowed down dramatically. So everyone freaks out and takes him to the hospital. So what's going on for him on this day?

The Crow Shooting Transits

The Crow Shooting Astrology

Brandon Lee’s Transits

Brandon Lee Transits

DANA:  Okay, so we also don't have a chart for Brandon. However, he was also born on the same day as a New Moon. So using that chart. He was born um, on February 1, 1965 and that coincided with a new moon in Aquarius, like we just had at 12°. Um, so that was probably activated again for him. So on that day Saturn was transiting Aquarius. Um, and chiron was opposite in leo, so that's going to be like chiron is or Saturn is the greater malefic and so it brings about, you know, like dark changes in someone's life. And chiron is again these wounds. So when chiron and Saturn are opposite, it's like It's just tense and sort of like wounding. Um, but also he was killed during his nodal opposition and this is like the astrological transit that coincides with being 27, it corresponds to the 27 club. The nodes are eclipse points and eclipse points are like sudden endings or sudden beginnings and so this opposition is sort of like, it's a tornado of energy. A lot of people might get like thrown off track and like a lot of famous people die. Something that's also interesting is that in Halyna's progressed chart, the moon is in Aries. Although we don't know the degree and in his progress chart the moon is in Aquarius. So the moon the progressed moon was on both their suns when they died, which is just nothing to really. It's just an interesting fact for any astrology nerds out there. 

SARAH: That is so weird.

DANA:  Also in the transiting chart we have Mars in cancer opposite uranus in Capricorn. So we're getting that like opposition again between the two planets that signified guns.

SARAH:  His was just weird to me because it was like such a freak accident and like you know like no one even knew what happened. Like they thought he was like joking at first until they were like umm what just truly just like bizarre shit. But at the hospital he undergoes six hours of emergency surgery. But despite doctor's best attempts to save him, he did die that same day and after an investigation it's decided that he was killed from an improperly loaded weapon

ELYSE:  And after Brandon died, his fiancée and mother did want the director to finish filming the crow because there were only eight more days of filming left. Um Brandon was basically done filming when he was shot. So um you know like Sarah mentioned this really was his big break and they really wanted this movie to be out there. And so if you do ever watch the movie, the majority of it is Brandon and a very tiny portion um it's covered by stunt doubles and special effects.

SARAH:  But it wasn't all kumbaya like it didn't just like end with people like holding hands walking off into the sunset. Um Brandon's mom eventually sued the filmmakers because she was like, you know you dickheads killed my son because somebody didn't do their job and eventually she probably got a fat check because they settled out of court. But I mean it doesn't take a genius to recognize that this tragedy and Rust are pretty similar. So Dana hit us with that biwheel baby.

DANA:  I mean it's pretty freaking weird.

SARAH:  So excited for this.

ELYSE:  Yes. And just so you know a biwheel is when you take two charts and overlap them so you can see similarities and dynamics. So Dana take it away.

The Crow’s Nodal Opposition and Rust’s Filming

The Crow Rust Astrology Biwheel

DANA:  Where to begin. Okay, so I'll begin with the fact that Rust was shot during The Crow’s nodal opposition. It's also Brandon's nodal return. So I guess, I mean maybe he's haunting the set.

ELYSE:  Honestly. I like dana always says people may die but charts never do.

DANA:  Yeah, I mean it's definitely evidence that like charts get triggered through time.

SARAH:  I literally was thinking that this is a nodal opposition because everything lately has been a nodal opposition. 

DANA: Yeah.

SARAH: It really has like a coming like a coming back of the nodes or something in return.

DANA:  Coming back of the nodes. I like that better. We'll also, so Rust’s chiron is conjunct The Crows’ sun and venus retrograde in Aries and so chiron again in these primordial wounds, sun is spirit and venus retrograde is being in our feelings, but also like Rust was shot right before venus retrograde. There are certain like broader cycles that coincide in a lot of these charts, chiron is in all of them, right? And so anyway, though like this is all just sort of like the wounding energy also Rust ‘s Pluto is conjunct The Crow’s Uranus, Neptune conjunction and so having Uranus and Neptune like exactly conjunct. Capricorn is sort of like a complete disregard for structure, so Uranus is so, I mean it seems like that was a freak accident right on the crow, but I don't know just something or I guess it could be like something in a structure collapsing and so you're not as a wildcard Neptune's like very delusional Pluto is kevin spacey in seven, so like anyone who was born in 1993 or 1994 probably understands what or just like having like a weird transit going on right now, something crazy has happened to you in your life for this movie um someone else died.

SARAH:  I mean to me it makes sense like the Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn, like Capricorn is structures like this movie set. Like guns are supposed to be this thing that you pay attention to and are careful about. But like on the set of the crow they didn't think anything I was wrong. You know?

DANA:  Also it's during the Saturn return. So we've said in return and the nodal opposition occurring, which I guess they usually coincide but this is like you should have learned from it. I just feel like I wonder if Saturn and Aquarius is like more like a sensational don't know stories about stuff that like impact people over a long period of time.

SARAH:  The Saturn return is interesting though to me though because it's like you guys like literally haven't learned shit from this, like you're doing the same fuck boy things with guns on your set.

ELYSE:  Yeah. I wonder if it's just like America's relationship to guns in general and just like what we've learned from every mass shooting in history is like we still have no regulations about guns in this country and just like we don't ever seem to learn and I just feel like the the US in general just has such a fucked up relationship with guns and we just never learned despite all of the tragedies that keep unfolding right in front of our faces.

SARAH:  So what happens next though, incidents like what happened to Halyna and Brandon are super rare. People are pissed and they want to ban the use of live weapons on set. Why? Because the U. S. Federal workplace safety agency doesn't require gun safety on sets. So the industry creates and follows its own rules which as we know is like typically never good. So that's problematic. And because we have dope ass CGI now we don't really need real guns. 

ELYSE:  Like yeah it's like expensive but you can add real guns and effects with computers. 

DANA:  insurance will go up otherwise like something will go up in price.

ELYSE:  Exactly. People are just being cheap and lazy honestly. Um but after Rust happened Eliza Hutton. Brandon's fiancée at the time of his death urge the film industry to consider alternatives to real guns on sets and people are joining in on this call like our boy, Dwayne the rock Johnson so he's not our boy but we want him to be. But after all, like we said, guns continue to this day to not be regulated on sets. So we'll see if anything happens.

SARAH:  Yeah. People are, you know, there's like a petition right now asking to ban them Olivia Wilde and other actors like The Rock lent their support and some states even have already said they won't be using real guns anymore. So some changes but I mean use a real gun if you want but like check it properly. 

ELYSE:  All right dana. What do you think? Will there be regulations or the same old bullshit?

DANA:  Here's what we do now mars will retrograde in gemini. And Mars Retrograde in Gemini the same year that Alec Baldwin was born. So this is going to trigger the birth cycle that he was born in. So maybe he, I think that he will like legislation against him or people will file lawsuits against him and then that will trigger into bigger like you know, studios or however business in Hollywood works. Also the eclipses in Aries and libra from April 2023 through March 2025. And Halyna Rust and The Crow all we're on like the Aries libra axis so this is significant for them. So the first solar eclipse will be at 29° of Aries on April 19 and that coincides with Brandon Lee saturn return to the degree in pisces. So I feel like it'll all come together in some way. 

ELYSE: And this is April 19, 2023.

DANA:  Yes.

ELYSE: Okay, so we'll have to keep an eye out for what happens next year?

DANA:  Yes and Mars Retrograde is on October 30. So, but

ELYSE:  We know how long things take to go to court. So that's pretty much only a year from now. So.

DANA:  Yeah. Well, also everyone who I mentioned except for um, Halyna had Mars retrograde the year they were born. 

ELYSE:  We want to again give our condolences to Halyna Hutchins’ family. I know she was a mom and a wife and um, to Brandon Lee's family as well. But next week we are switching gears as always. So we're taking it all the way back to the 70s to talk about the war on drugs

SARAH: Hope you like crack.

DANA:  Crack to follow the stuff films.

ELYSE:  All right with that, I'm Elyse.

DANA:  I'm dana. 

SARAH: I'm Sarah.

ELYSE:  And this is Allegedly Astrology.

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